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7 Reasons Why Wigs Are the Ultimate Protective Style

7 Reasons Why Wigs Are the Ultimate Protective Style

Here at Mayvenn we’re always striving to achieve peak #carefreeblackgirl hair goals. With Fall and Winter around the corner, we’re shifting from bundles to wigs — the ultimate, low-stress protective style. Wigs have garnered a lot of popularity on the mainstream hair scene and we’re here for it. Whether you’re already pro-wig or still figuring it out, here are seven reasons why wigs are the ultimate protective style.

Easy to care for hair underneath

No need to sacrifice those much needed deep conditioning treatments. Wigs provide you with the freedom to remove them whenever you feel, and continue practicing your natural hair regimen without missing a beat; something not easily done with most other protective styles.

wig protective style

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Cut Your Morning Routine In Half

Who really has time for a 45-minute wash-n-go routine every few days? If you’re looking to catch some extra Z’s in the morning, or want more time to unwind each evening, wigs are a great option to help you reclaim your time.

wig protective style

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Endless versatility

You may only have one head of hair, but wigs allow you to try almost any style your heart desires. Want to rock a short pixie one day and big, tousled curls the next? You can have it all and more with a good wig collection.


While we love sew-ins as a protective style, they can get pricey. Bundle buying aside, factor in the stylist install costs (unless you have a knack for doing it yourself) and it all can start to cost a pretty penny. With wigs, there are tons of affordable options! Even the high-cost units will pay for themselves over time. Not only will they last longer with proper care, but you’ll save a ton of coins by avoiding the install fees.

wig protective style

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Low Manipulation

One of the greatest benefits of any protective style is that they allow for low hair manipulation, which in turn may help with length retention. Protective styles like sew-ins, braids and twists can still put stress on your natural hair, but with wigs the stress is minimal. Just be sure to give your edges their due TLC and that you’re wearing an appropriate wig cap underneath to prevent friction.

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Banish Bad Hair Days

One of the more frustrating feelings is waking up only to realize that your hair has no plans to cooperate with you. Wave goodbye to bad hair days with a wig. The beauty of wigs is that there is almost a 100% chance that your style will look on point no matter what side of the bed your natural hair wakes up on. Pop it on, give it a good fluff and go.

wig protective style

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Aid in transitioning or bouncing back from hair issues

Hair loss, whether medically induced or not, can be tough to navigate when trying to figure out what works for your hair. The same goes if you’re transitioning. Thanks to the low manipulation and ability to take care of your hair underneath, wigs can help take off some of the stress of working around hair issues and allowing time for you to get your hair’s game plan together.

Ready to fully commit to the wig protective style life? We’ve got you. Check out our growing collection of wigs here!

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