Black Twitter is back at it again! One of the funniest hashtags that managed to make its way onto the trending list today was #BlackSalonProblems--and it is EVERYTHING. To be clear, Mayvenn loves hairstylists! They're the core of our brand, but come on y'all, these tweets are hilarious! Black women around the world can relate to the struggles of heading to the salon, and this hashtag brings us all together to reminisce over lost edges and bizarre haircuts.
when you're getting a relaxer and you know you've been scratching your scalp all week. #blacksalonproblems
— Caira (@_cairaj) May 26, 2016
When your stylist gets a little too scissor happy...
Before and after she "clips" your ends.#blacksalonproblems
— Yukio Strachan (@boldandworthy) May 26, 2016
Real tears
"How you feeling? Is it burning?"
— kay da bae. (@_CollieBibs) May 26, 2016
Me: #blacksalonproblems
Stay strong!
When you're getting your hair washed in the sink and your neck is about to give out #blacksalonproblems
— ? (@amandaxcoureen) May 26, 2016
Side eye to the world
When your stylist is doing 3-4 heads at the same time #blacksalonproblems
— Gina (@JustGina247) May 27, 2016
RIP Edges
How you feel when they start braiding your edges a lil too tight #blacksalonproblems
— Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity (@AGoodReid_) May 27, 2016
Come back!
When the stylist puts the perm mixture in your hair and leaves to talk to the girl next to her #blacksalonproblems
— baldheaded (@femmeminem) May 27, 2016
There's no escape
#blacksalonproblems When you feel your hair and think there's 2 braids left but the beautician splits it into 20
— El Jefe ??? (@SweeterThanHuni) May 27, 2016
The struggle...
Getting your hair done and someone cute walks in the salon and you sitting there like....... #blacksalonproblems
— Meesh. (@am3sha) May 27, 2016
At the end of the day, we're always flawless
#blacksalonproblems when the salon lady finally done with your hair you be coming out like ???✨✨
— queen sosa (@_SalmaOfficial) May 27, 2016